1. Kulturna Vsakojačkost: razvoj tradicionálne Kajkavske kulture
2. Lingvistička Vsakojačkost: razvoj Kajkavskega govòrnega i književnoga jezìka, promocija Kajkavske knjižèvnosti
3. Održivi razvoj društva: temeljeni na kulturni vsakojačkosti i kulturi kak kreativni energiji društva
4. Održiva arhitektura: prirodni materijali koriščeni v tradicionalni Kajkavski arhitekturi i njihove značajke kreiranje identiteta
5. Project & program management na internacionalnem nivou, efektivna komunikacija i prezentacija
– Naša sposobnost je definirana s našim članom šteri su umetniki, arhitekti, etnologi, ekonomisti i IT/PM stručnjaki; te s vodečem vsevučilišnem profesorom kak suradnikom i podpirateljom.
– Naša ekspertiza je određena našim joakim iskustvom v području modernih digitalnih tehnologij, internacionalnem projektnom managementu, interkulturalni komunikaciji, filologiji, etonologiji, arhitekturi i umetnosti.
– Naši cilji su oblikuvani čez naše stremljenje za Kompetencijom, Kompetitivnostjum i Zvrstnostjum.
We do not have an executive board. Work on projects is done transparently for all members. Due to platform we use for collaboration, all members can see in real time what is being done – status & results, and can participate with their own ideas. So we have what would be called flat structure. But this structure is the consequence of how we organize our activities in pursuit of most effective work and excellence.
How can a NGO be more effective? One of the main answers is Keep it Simple. Focus on projects. Achieve results. Kaikavian Renaissance is a small group of highly effective persons with diverse experience, who pursue the common vision.
We focus on smaller projects with big visibility, that make a big differencein the society. Even without funding, having great people with great ideas and great abilities together, we are able to accomplish great work.
There is no need for complex hierarchy or Executive Board because most members do not work full-time for Kaikavian Rennaisance. The work they are involved in is done transparently for all members, within the boundaries of the programme and mission, following the vision of Kaikavian Renaissance.
Thus we are able to DO more essential things instead of dealing with bureaucracy that many NGOs in Croatia self impose. After all, we have gathered together because of our idealistic perspective of the world to make changes in it.
Our philosophy is based a lot on lots of different schools: we value Zen and Lao-Tse, we see the importance of Veda as the oldest living tradition, and we learn from thoughts of French Rene Guenon, Hungarian Bela Hamvas and American Thoreau, as much as we learn from our own Kaikavian tradition.